Purchasing your first home is one of the best, most amazing moments in life. It can also be a frustrating process. With so many loan products on offer, it can be a real challenge to work out which home loan is right for you. The good news is – it doesn’t have to be. Chamberlain+Co can make this process easy and hassle-free.

Whether you're still saving for a deposit, getting closer to your goal or ready to take the leap, we’re here to help.⁣⁣ From obtaining a home loan, choosing a lender, reviewing the various interest options, to managing the process of making this new property your home - we're here to help every step of the way.⁣⁣

In association with National Mortgage Brokers, Chamberlain + Co has access to a large panel of lenders to ensure you we can get you the best rates that align with your particular circumstances. Our lending specialist will help you understand the pros and cons of different loan products and determine the most suitable option based on your requirements.

It’s not only about loan approval, our team will also help you customise your loan structure, to give you greater flexibility over how to manage and make loan repayments from the beginning to the duration of your home loan.

Speak to one of our lending specialists today.⁣


Whether you’re looking to buy your first investment property or you’re a seasoned investor with a growing portfolio, market opportunities arise without prior notice. Having Chamberlain+Co in your corner ensures you are always ready to seize the property investment market at the right time.

From pre-approval, which will provide access to an agreed level of funding so you can bid with confidence, to finding the most suitable loan structure based on your current and future needs, we’re equipped to help you build a successful portfolio.

Our team of experts will always allow room for growth, whether it is in your personal circumstances, lifestyle upkeep or your financial goals, with a wide range of options – variable loans, fixed rates loans, lines of credit or interest-only loans.

We focus on helping you get into the market quicker and grow sustainably.

SMSF Lending

SMSF can provide you with the ability to increase your property purchasing power; however, the rules and regulations relating to the purchase of property within your super fund are strict, so it’s important that you get the right lending specialists on your team before proceeding.

The Chamberlain+Co team comprises of experienced finance specialists that can help you navigate through all the compliance measures within SMSF borrowing and help you maximise your retirement income.

Whether it is advice on identifying the suitability of a property loan or helping you match with the most appropriate loan product based on your goals, retirement lifecycle and personal circumstances, we’re here to assist.

Given this regulatory industry, we also work closely with your existing finance teams, such as your dedicated accountants, financial planners and legal representatives, to ensure you comply with the relevant criteria outlined by the ATO and ASIC. If you don’t have an existing advisor in these areas, we can also refer you to several reputable professionals who can assist you.


Having access to the right financial solutions when you need them most can make all the difference in achieving business success. From flexibility with everyday banking to funding a big purchase for your business, the Chamberlain+Co team can help.

Flexibility in finance allows you to be efficient and make minor improvements to your business processes and products⁣. It also gives you the means to borrow to grow and appropriate to stabilise.⁣ ⁣ Most importantly, it affords you the room to capitalise on the strengths of the market and respond in a timely manner.⁣ ⁣

We understand the needs of your business to remain flexible and operate independently. Our experienced lending specialists can help manage all the paperwork and match you with the most suitable loan structure for your business’s requirements. Whether it is a line of credit, offset accounts or plans for a big purchase, our team can support your big and small goals.⁣ ⁣

Speak to one of our business lending specialists to get started.